Thursday, March 6, 2008

Test test....

I have been working on a new blog for the next season and we are looking at getting a new host. Wordpress will be our host. They have many more options for us to use which means the blog should be bigger and better for the next season.

Currently you can check out the basic layout (not a finished copy), it just doesn't have all the links, pics or schedules. Those will be posted next season.

The reason for the switch is basically a safety reason. Wordpress automatically backs up the data and ip addresses are easy to track if inappropriate comments are made.

I was hoping to have the fans look before the season ends so we can get some comments from them before we do a full on switch. I figured the playoffs would be a good time to get comments since our hits our up. So, I just want to know what you would like to see on the blog for next year.

Anyway,,, Take a look at it and post some comments.


- Troy K


Anonymous said...

well..we better hope we win tommorro night, dissapointing loss, & how about that crowd, not even 700, for an opening playoff game? A quiet crowd for the playoffs, only noise was when we scored or the drum dude.
Not like the old days. Didn't get our team fired up much.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Like... freakin' HUMBOLDT is half the size of Weyburn, and their crowd was 850 tonight. As a civilian of the City of Weyburn, and a hardcore Wings fan, I am very embarrassed, and worried.

Anonymous said...

The new site looks like it's going to be great. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

fantastic! it looks much more professional than the one we have now. Good luck with it next year. I have had a blast reading all of the comments and posts this year.